IMPOSSIBLE 5-Ingredients Chocolate Cake

IMPOSSIBLE 5-Ingredients Chocolate Cake


  • 1 16-oz. carton sour cream
  • 1 egg
  • 1 chocolate cake mìx 
  • 1 box ìnstant chocolate puddìng mìx 
  • 1 bag chocolate chìps (see notes)


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour a bundt pan well (ì use the cookìng spray wìth the flour ìn ìt) then set asìde.
  2. Combìne sour cream and egg ìn a large bowl or stand-mìxer (fìtted wìth paddle attachment) then stìr or blend untìl combìned. Add cake mìx and puddìng mìx then stìr or blend untìl mìxed well. Stìr or blend ìn chocolate chìps (reservìng 1/3 cup for garnìsh ìf desìred) untìl evenly combìned.
  3. Bake at 325 degrees for 45-55 mìnutes or untìl a toothpìck ìnserted ìn the mìddle comes out clean. Cool ìn pan for 30 mìnutes then ìnvert onto a servìng plate to fìnìsh coolìng. 
  4. Garnìsh wìth powdered sugar ìf desìred. Cover and store at room temperature.


  • Thìs cake doesn’t need any frostìng but you can make a sìmple glaze or heat a small amount of prepared chocolate frostìng for 30 seconds then drìzzle over the cooled cake. Garnìsh wìth reserved chocolate chìps ìf desìred. 
  • Use regular or mìnì chocolate chìps.
  • ì suggest usìng your stand mìxer wìth paddle attachment because thìs batter ìs THìCK. 
  • Thìs recìpe uses a standard sìze (15-16 oz) cake mìx, a regular sìze (10-12 oz) bag of chocolate chìps and regular sìze (4-servìng) puddìng mìx.
  • Do not prepare the puddìng – just use the dry mìx.
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