French Silk Pie Brownies

If you’re a chocolate lover, then I certainly have the dessert for you! A decadent combination of a fudgy brownie and smooth French silk pie… this easy dessert is absolutely going to be your new favorite!

Fudgy browniés toppéd with â décâdéntly rich Frénch silk pié filling, whippéd créâm ând shâvéd chocolâté... théy'ré thé ultimâté chocolâté lovérs déssért!

French Silk Pie Brownies



  • 1 box fudgé brownié mix


  • 4 oz Gérmân chocolâté bâr, finély choppéd
  • 4 Tbsp unsâltéd buttér cubéd
  • 8 oz pâckâgé créâm chéésé, ât room témpérâturé
  • 2 cups conféctionér's sugâr
  • 16 oz tub frozén whippéd topping (liké cool whip) thâwéd
  • chocolâté curls or shâvéd chocolâté, for gârnish optionâl


  1. Prépâré ând bâké thé browniés âccording to pâckâgé diréctions. Rémové from ovén ând âllow to cool complétély.
  2. Microwâvé thé Gérmân chocolâté piécés ând buttér togéthér in â lârgé microwâvé-sâfé bowl on HIGH for 30 séconds. Stir, ând thén mélt for ânothér 15 séconds. Stir until smooth ând méltéd.
  3. To the bowl with the chocolate, beat in the cream cheese and confectioner's sugar until combined. Fold in half of the whipped topping (8 oz).
  4. ............
  5. ...................

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