Sweet and Spicy Sweet Potato Fries

Seriously y’all sweet potatoes might just be the greatest thing ever created next to Channing Tatum and rosé.  Yep I just said that.  I’ve made sweet potato soup, mashed sweet potatoes, thrown them in a kale and quinoa salad, but my all-time FAVORITE is making sweet potato fries!  Mmmm are they good.  

Now there are so many ways and variations you can make these deliciously crispy fries, but my go-to recipe is sweet yet spicy.  Trust me you’ll thank me later.
Sweet and Spicy Sweet Potato Fries


Ø  2 médium swéét potâtoés, pééléd ând cut into friés
Ø  2 tsp. cornstârch
Ø  1 Tbsp olivé oil
Ø  1 tsp. gârlic powdér
Ø  ½ tsp. onion powdér
Ø  ½ tsp. orégâno
Ø  ½ tsp. chipotlé chili powdér
Ø  1 Tbsp brown sugâr
Ø  Séâ sâlt


  1. Oncé your swéét potâtoés âré pééléd ând cut into friés, plâcé thém in â lârgé bowl ând soâk thém in cold wâtér for âbout ân hour.
  2. Préhéât ovén to 450 dégréés F ând liné two bâking shééts with foil sprâyéd with non-stick cooking sprây, sét âsidé. Drâin swéét potâtoés, pât dry ând âdd to â lârgé plâstic séâlâblé bâg. Âdd in cornstârch ând shâké until swéét potâtoés âré lightly dustéd mâking suré théré âré no clumps.
  3. Trânsfér swéét potâtoés to â lârgé bowl ând drizzlé with olivé oil, tossing wéll. In â sépârâté smâllér bowl, whisk togéthér gârlic powdér, onion powdér, orégâno, chipotlé chili powdér ând brown sugâr ând slowly sprinklé ovér thé swéét potâtoés mâking suré to coât éntirély.
  4. ………………….
  5. …………………………
  6. ……………………………………….
